Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Campaign Setup - Part 1

Ok, so Here is update #1 on the campaign stuff. Worked on maps, and here is an example. This probably won't be the final map as I'd like to add in some more sea tiles and other things. Make civilized areas more clumped together and leave a large area for exploration. But you guys can see the general idea, and compared to the campaign book, this is a FAR bigger map.

Other things to note, I glanced over the campaign rules and it is hugely complex with rules for a ton of small details; but I'll probably wait a bit on that, and see how much complexity you guys would actually want to see in these games.

The next part I will work on is army strengths, and I'll probably lean pretty heavily on the campaign book for that. I need to figure out roughly how many cities, towns, villages, and what-not to put down per player, and work it from there. Also, at the same time I'll get everyone to thrown down their both the cities they'll own and the armies associated with it.

A side note, the RPG element I originally planned has been postponed. It'll have to wait to be flushed out as I get more of the administrative stuff out of the way first so that the this part can be added in without causing issues with the core WHFB game.

Other thing I'll be working on after that will be army movement, RPG elements, economy, infrastructure (if any), new/undiscovered area, and list of abilities for each race and terrain piece (ruins, mines, wizard towers, etc). Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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