Thursday, July 4, 2013

6-29-13 Game 1 (3-Way) WIP

6-29-13 Game 1
Sides: DE vs Dwarves vs Chaos (3-way free for all)
Objective: Hold tower with highest point cost of units at end of turn 6. 
Conditions: Holding tower can be either occupying, on roof, or 1" away on any side

(Pete): This is my first attempt at posting a battle report. I may have forgotten some details of what happened, but I'll try to summarize as best as I can (Cheng/Novo, feel free to comment).

Turn 1

(Pete): Cheng came up with the deployment zones. They are all equal in area and distance to the objective as possible. DE deployed on the left corner, Dwarves on the lone side center, and WoC on the right corner.

Novo had scouting Rangers that deployed within the Tower at the beginning of the game.

Chaos Deployment Close Up
(Pete): The Keeper is a Hellcannon, and the 2 metal Knights are a Warshrine - Ghettohammer in full effect! I never have much success with Hellcannons to justify purchasing a model. I do have the new plastic Warshrine kit that is in a long queue of models to put together. The Crusher unit is also WIP.

Dark Elves Deployment Close Up

Dwarves Deployment Close Up

Turn 2

(Pete): The first turn was mainly all players moving towards the tower. The Hydras and the Crushers line up to face off against each other. My Hellcannon fired at the Dwarves, but the shot scattered and didn't hit squat. I fly my Demon Prince of Nurgle closer to the tower, and move my Warrior blocks and Warshrine up. The Dwarf Warrior block on the flank face the oncoming Dark Riders that are moving up around the far corner. There was some back and forth between the Rangers in the tower shooting at the DE , and some DE spells being flung back at the Rangers, along with DE xbow shots. The Witch Elves move around the central hill in what looks like a plan to support the Dark Riders. The DE Xbowmen close in on the tower with their Warrior Sorceress bunker and Cauldron of Blood not far behind.

Turn 3

This is the top of Turn 3...Crushers win the combat against one of the Hydras, while the other Hydra and my Warriors remain locked in combat. My DP charged the DE Xbowmen and remain locked together. I remember the DE Level 4 Sorceress cast some nasty debuffs (Miasma, Enfeebling Foe, Withering) on my DP, which kept me busy dispelling in my Magic Phase.

The Sorceress had the Sacrificial Dagger and you can see it was put to good use on the DE Warrior block during Cheng's Magic Phase. My Hellcannon continues to shoot (at DE this time, I think) scattering shots that don't hit anything.

Rangers still hold the Tower, and continue to shoot at DE. The large block of Dwarves move into range of the Tower, and the Dwarf flank units turn to position themselves against the nearest threats (Dark Riders in back, and my Warriors in the forest). The big block of Witch Elves turn back and head toward the central hill.

To be Continued

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