Saturday, June 8, 2013


I began cleaning up the Skullcrushers today, and there's a lot of parts to this kit. This Juggernaut is composed of 10 pieces (excluding ornamental skulls and spikes) and there are extra head options for Jugger and rider alike (love how they include extra bits!). Since the sprues have the pieces numbered, I noticed that there's over a 100 pieces in this kit, no joke!

You can see from the pic, that the pelvis of the rider is a fixed part of the Juggernaut body. The pieces are rather detailed, and I'm sure once this unit is assembled it'll look pretty dope on the field.

Here's the inital assembly of the Jugger...

Here are the parts of the Skullhunter himself. The amount of detail is impressive, though the small "jousting armor" whatchamacallit bits (the tiny shield shaped pieces) were a pain to clean up because they were so tiny and difficult to get a grip on. Some of the pieces, like the shoulder pauldrons had 3 points of contact with the sprue, which meant extra cleaning up, but the end result will be well worth it!

I'm opting for the axes over the lances, since they look cooler!

More to come....

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